Ministries to Continue Working with "Russian" Organizations
Ministries to Continue Working with "Russian" Organizations
This morning, an emergency meeting of the Knesset commission on alliyah and absorption took place, chaired by the deputy from "Israel Beiteinu" political party Leah Shem-Tov, and initiated by the Association in Support of the Children of repatriates. The meeting was devoted to the decision of the Ministry of Finance on the introduction of "economic limit" on the joint work of public organizations and state structures. Under the new provision, which was to be introduced in a month, the Ministry could work with "amutot" only if the total cost of the project was 1 million NIS and above, as the IzRus portal was
first to report. At today's meeting of the Commission, the Head of the Association in Support of the Children of repatriates, Dr. Eli Zarhin stated that the actions of the Ministry of Finance is the unconcealed terror against Israeli citizens, and the Director General of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Dmitry Apartsev noted that this decision greatly hindered the work of his office. Other deputies supported the speakers. As a result, the Ministry of Finance has made concessions and deferred the coming into effect of this provision for six months, having promised to re-examine all the circumstances, pluses and minuses.