Representatives of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, VAAD of Russia, "Holocaust" center and Solomon Mihoelsa Jewish cultural
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Representatives of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, VAAD of Russia, "Holocaust" center and Solomon Mihoelsa Jewish cultural


                  On August 12th, 2002 the representatives of Euro-Asian Congress headed by General Secretary Mikhail Chlenov laid wreaths on a communal grave of victims of political repression and Solomon Mikhoels' grave at the territory of Donskoe cemetery in Moscow.
                  Representatives of the "Memorial" foundation, RF Ministry of Culture, deputies of RF State Duma and relatives of the executed members of Jewish Anti-fascist Committee took part in the memorial ceremony organized by the "Holocaust" center, Solomon Mihoelsa Jewish cultural center, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and VAAD of Russia.
                  While opening the meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the execution of JAC members the Chairman of "Holocaust" center Alla Gerber stressed the integral unity of Hitler's and Stalin's policy referring Jews and expressed confidence such tragedies would never occur again. The same idea was stated in the telegram addressed to the event participants by the leader of "Yabloko", Grigory Yavlinsky.
                  EAJC General Secretary Mikhail Chlenov stressed the importance of joint Jewish memory about the half-a-century-old events and expressed hope generations of Jewish people would deliberately succeed to Jewish heritage.
                  The ceremony ended in adopting the text of an address to the mayor of Moscow, Yuriy Luzhkov, on expedience of complementing the memorial architectural composition "To victims of political repression" on the territory of Donskoe cemetery with a granite stele bearing names of executed members of the Jewish Anti-fascist Committee.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department