At the Forum "REX 2002" that has taken place in Kiev there has been represented the pilot issue of the EAJC magazine &
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  At the Forum "REX 2002" that has taken place in Kiev there has been represented the pilot issue of the EAJC magazine &


                  The VI International Forum "REX 2002" dedicated to advertising and Mass Media took place in Kiev Palace of Sport during the period of September 17th-21st, 2002. The show-bench exhibiting Jewish Mass Media of Ukraine has been represented there.
                  The part of exhibition has been devoted to Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC). The EAJC committee Chairman on Mass Media M.Gurvits was meeting the numerous attendants of the exhibition during the days of Forum.
                  The owners of the EAJC show-bench have arranged two remarkable events that have found its place in the program of the Forum:
                  ·the presentation of the new publishing project of EAJC – quarterly information and analytical magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia";
                  ·the round table "The role of national Mass Media in contribution to tolerance in polyethnic society".
                  The presentation attracted numerous guests and journalists who have left the notes about their impression in a Review Book.
                  The Chief editor of the magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia" V.Nakhmanovich has acquainted the audience with the concept of the magazine and has taken the greetings of attendants.
                  Among those who took the floor there were the EAJC Vice President and deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine E.Chervonenko, General Council Chairman J.Zisels, EAJC General Council member and Byelorussia Jewry leader L.Levin, Chancellor of Azerbaijan Embassy in Ukraine A.Guliev.
                  The presentation has been visited by the Executive Director of the Moscow EAJC agency N.Schmidt and the Head of EAJC Public Relation and Mass Media department R.Spektor who have arrived in Kiev on a working visit.
                  Exhilarated and active discussion of the magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia" perspectives has been carried on during informal communication.
                  Covering of general problems was succeeded by discussion of the project (financed by Joint (AJJDC)) of building the new Jewish community center "Heritage" at territory of the memorial complex Babiy Yar.This matter became the main topic of the round table "The role of national Mass Media in contribution to tolerance in polyethnic society" conducted by executive secretary of the magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia" T.Khorunzhaya and the Chairman of EAJC committee on Mass Media M.Gurvits.
                  At first this question was discussed as an internal matter of Jewish organizations. It has further involved the representatives of wide public, organizations of national minorities as well as experts on national policy in Ukraine.
                  Reports of majority of the round table participants have in fact supported the position formulated in the Address, in which authors have called upon refusing the plans of building the community center in Babiy Yar. The document has been signed by great number of Jewish leaders including EAJC Vice Preident E.Chervonenko and EAJC General Council Chairman J.Zisels.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department