The delegation members from the "National Conference" introducing interests of FSU Jews having visited Ukraine within
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The delegation members from the "National Conference" introducing interests of FSU Jews having visited Ukraine within


                  The delegation of "National Conference introducing interests of Jews of Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic countries" has visited Ukraine within the period of 1-6 October. The organization was founded in late 60th– early 70th in the USA to defend interests of Jewish community at the US Congress, State Department and White House for rendering assistance to Soviet Jews, mainly in the matter of emigration.
                  In 90th the organization reoriented its activity for struggle with anti-Semitism; settlement of direct connections between Jewish communities of the USA and CIS; activation of Jewish property restitution process; preserving of cultural heritage.
                  Among delegates there were the leaders of organization: Harold Looks, Bobby Mat, Joel Schindler, Mark Levin, Judy Wolf, Lesley Israel.
                  The members of the delegation have met the highest government of Ukraine: the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the Prime Minister Anatoliy Kinakh, the Chairman of Supreme Soviet Vladimir Litvin, State Secretary of FAM of Ukraine Mr.Sergeyev.
                  In course of the negotiations with President Kuchma and Prime Minister Anatoliy Kinakh there have participated the Chairman of VAAD of Ukraine, the General Euro-Asian Jewish Council Chairman Joseph Zisels; the Chairman of Supreme Soviet Vladimir Litvin and State Secretary of MFA have had a meeting with the Judaic Institute head master Leonid Finberg.
                  At the meeting they have discussed the state of relations between Ukraine and the USA, the matter of cancellation the "Jackson-Vennik" annex in particular.
                  Special attention has been given to the property restitution to Jewish community in Ukraine. Joseph Zisels provided the information about the restitution process in the country. Ukrainian party suggested finding the International Committee to study the matter of Jewish community property as well as to develop the adequate law base.
                  They have expressed concern about serious conflict in Ukrainian Jewish community referring the matter of possible realization of a project of the community center "Heritage" in Babiy Yar.
                  The discussion has been initiated by Joseph Zisels and Leonid Finberg. The government representatives have required to provide them with detailed information in respect of the problem.
                  In course of negotiation there has been expressed the anxiety about anti-Semitic movement activation in Ukrainian press. There has been paid attention to publications of a magazine "Personal", newspapers "Silski Visti" and "Idealist". The guests have held meetings with the representatives of the international Jewish organizations in Ukraine: Israeli Cultural center, "Sokhnut", Joint. In course of a meeting the American party has expressed deep concern about opposition within the community referring erection of the Jewish cultural center "Heritage" in Babiy Yar.
                  The debates took place in the Judaic Institute, Holocaust studying center, Jewish college #299.
                  American public men have visited the Chief Rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine Jakov Dov Blaikh, Brodsky synagogue; have met the representative of reformist movement in Ukraine.
                  The delegation members have met the American Ambassador in Ukraine Carlos Pascual and Israel State Ambassador – Anna Azary.
                  Joseph Zisels has noted that in course of the meeting they have reached the agreement as for possible international Jewish interests lobbying, in particular the problems of community property restitution; compromise settlement of the matter of building the community center in Babiy Yar; arranging the international fund of Jewish cemetery protection; monitoring the actions of anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism in Ukraine.

                  EAJC Press-Service