The president of Vaad of Russia, EAJC Secretary-General Mikhail Chlenov has applied to the President of Russian Federation Vladi
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                  The president of Vaad of Russia, EAJC Secretary-General Mikhail Chlenov has applied to the President of Russian Federation Vladi


                  The open letter of the President of Russian Jewish Organizations and Communities Federation – Vaad, Secretary General of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) M.Chlenov to President of Russian Federation V.Putin
                  "Dear Mr. Putin,
                  According to mass media information RF Ministry of Justice has registered the Russian National-State party (NSPR).
                  We realize the registration has been formally fulfilled basing on the statute, apparently, provided and issued to perfection. In our opinion it’s extremely cynical as even the brief survey of various NSPR documents in the Internet (Federation Platform of NSPR, NSPR Organization Declaration) reveals the true aims and objectives of the new and now legalized political body. These are some quotations of the documents:
                  "According to the norms of the international law Russia is recognized to be the multinational State of Russians due to Russian population makes the absolute majority";
                  "It’s necessary to revise the current Russian Constitution that ignores the rights and interests of Russian people; to make corresponding changes and to pass the new constitution according to the law";
                  "The State body, government and Mass Media must be completely deprived of anti-Russian oriented people";
                  "It is necessary to pass the law about the Russophobia responsibility";
                  "It is necessary to provide nationally proportional representation at all government bodies irrespective of their level";
                  "Those having not Russian origin or related to non-Russians should not take the top governmental positions";
                  "It is necessary to recognize masonry and totalitarian sects including Judaism and Zionism as well as the studies pronouncing Jewish national exclusiveness and national superiority along with the inferiority of other people based on the national criteria to be out of law";
                  "It is necessary to extirpate the criminality, organized in particular, property larceny, financial intrigues of Jewish and Southern Mafia";
                  "To accept the program of forced resettlement from Russia to Israel of the Jews whose activity is not compatible with the state use for Russia".
                  "Working immigration shall be prohibited with the exception for Russian nationality persons";
                  "It is necessary to put into law the obligatory requirement for all candidates at elections to the government bodies to declare their nationality (third descent inclusively)";
                  "It is necessary to expropriate the banks holding deceptive actions and speculations against natural and juridical persons as well as capitals of masons, Zionists, Southern Mafia and comprador bourgeoisie";
                  "It is necessary to initiate the active policy (including propagandistic) aimed against racially and nationally mixed marriages, though legal prohibition of the latest is not preferable";
                  "To recognize the most danger can be caused by USA, East, Zionistic fascism, masons, oligarchs and "democrats".
                  At the closed Constituent Congress of NSPR held in February one of its leaders Boris Mironov has stated "Our common enemy is Jew; our common aim is change of the power".
                  In our opinion the ideological orientation and appeals of the new party leadership are evident. They contradict with the Constitution of Russian Federation, conduce to national dissension and offend the virtue of national minorities of Russia.
                  The NSPR registration along with the statements of the top government representatives in respect of their striving toward political extremism and xenophobia prevention looks odd provoking bewilderment and anxiety. Extremism resistance law doesn’t work in fact. The number of Mass Media calling upon the international violence increases. Last months the violence proceeded from words to the actions such as racist’s attacks against those who differs in appearance; the wave of "placard terrorism" that has taken lives and health of lots of people; massacres at markets; slaughters of religious Jews at streets of Moscow; constant assaults on synagogues and Jewish cemeteries; massacre and assassination of other national minority representatives.
                  Is it possible the society is approaching to the legalized fascism and nazism?
                  We apply to You, dear Mr. President, with the call to provide unambiguous political estimation of NSPR and to put an end to attempts of racists and xenophobes to legalize their activity and to initiate legal struggle for power".

                  EAJC Press-Service