The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met the EAJC administration and the Council of EAJC Rabbis.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met the EAJC administration and the Council of EAJC Rabbis.


                  The Conference continued its work in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. On the way to Astana V.Khrapunov, the Almaty “Akym” (mayor) joined the conference.
                  The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has met the participants of the Conference. In course of the meeting the president has stated he considered Kazakhstan to be the neighbor of Israel and viewed the delegation of rabbis as the messengers of peace. Nursultan Nazarbayev has satisfied the request of Alexander Mashkevich to take under his aegis the Islam-Judaic dialogue and to be the mediator in establishment the broken ties with Jewish community of Iran, in revealing the situation with imprisoned Israelis and in transfer the Shneyerson Library to the legal heirs.
                  The Speaker of Parliament “Mazhilis” (Chamber) of Kazakhstan Z.Tuyakbay has invited participants of the Conference for a meeting. They also have carried out meetings with heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan.
                  At a meeting held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan there were leaders of national minorities, members of the Public Council of Assembly of Kazakhstan Peoples. After that the participants of the Conference visited a platform where the new synagogue was being erected.
                  In the evening on October 22 participants of the Conference returned to Almaty. In their honor the EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich has given the solemn reception.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department