9th Session of the Assembly of the nations populating Kazakhstan in Astana.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  9th Session of the Assembly of the nations populating Kazakhstan in Astana.


                  9th Session of the Assembly of the nations populating Kazakhstan took place in Astana. It was presided by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Delegates from different regions of the country participated in the Session. The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan recently visiting the country said that Kazakhstan could serve as an example of stability and stable development for other nations of the world.
                  The Assembly of the nations populating Kazakhstan has become a unique intuition uniting interests of all the ethnical groups of the state. The main objectives of the Assembly are simple but very important for everyone: harmony between nationalities, home security and peace.
                  Alexander Baron, President of the "Mitzva" Association and a member of the General Council of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJK), represented the Jewish community of Kazakhstan. In his speech, he said: "Never have my fellow-compatriots been treated here as strangers, not in our life. They paid good deeds with good deeds. The work of thousands of Jews- doctors, engineers, scientists, military industry employees, and artists – has been a significant contribution into the development of Kazakhstan. We are proud that Yevgeniy Brusilovsk, one of the first Kazakh composers, was a Jew. He is one of the authors of our country’s national hymn. It has been historically proven that the Kazakh nation is genetically international. It is devoid of any manifestation of national arrogance and of pejorative attitude towards other ethnic groups".
                  Addressing Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Alexander Baron went on saying: "Nursultan Abishevich, you are well respected and trusted both in the Islamic world and in Israel, and you deserve it. We know that your word can mean a lot in the negotiations between the conflicting sides. We, the Jews of Kazakhstan, have initiated a new phase in the Muslim-Jewish dialogue. The readiness for this new phase has been expressed by the meeting between the Chief mufti of Kazakhstan and the Chief rabbi of Israel. A continuation to this dialogue was a meeting of the EAJC’s rabbis with representative of Muslim clergy this October, followed by the 1st International Rabbi congress representing communities of 17 countries of Europe and Asia. The President of the EAJC Alexander Mashkevich has played an important role in organizing those events".
