"Hanukkah in Yekaterinburg" festival in Sverdlovsk region.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  "Hanukkah in Yekaterinburg" festival in Sverdlovsk region.


                  "Hanukkah in Yekaterinburg" festival takes places from Nov 30 to Dec 8, 2002.
                  The festival is organized by the Jewish National Cultural Autonomy (JNCA) in Sverdlovsk region; "Menora", Svrdlovsk region’s public fund of the Yekaterinburg Jewish community center; "Atikva " Sverdlovsk Jewish culture society, "Hased-Menora" Charity fund, as well as by the Russian Jewish Congress and Vaad of Russia.
                  Youth and community gatherings, concerts of sacred, as well as pop and jazz music, are incorporated into the festival.
                  Among honorary guests of the festival there are: Mikhail Chlenov, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary-General and the President of Vaad in Russia and Adolf Shaevich, Russia’s Chief Rabbi.

                  Letter of information by Mikhail Oshtrakh, EAJC General Council member