Inauguration of the World Congress of Mountain Jews (WCMJ) / Participation of the EAJC.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Inauguration of the World Congress of Mountain Jews (WCMJ) / Participation of the EAJC.


                  On February 5-6, 2003, the World Congress of Mountain Jews (WCMJ) was inaugurated at a meeting in Israel. The founding bodies of the WCMJ included the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), the Federation of Jewish Organizations and Communities - the Vaad of Russia, the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations in Russia (KEROOR), the Russian Fund for Preservation and Development of Jewish Culture, the Association of Caucasian Jews in Israel, the Moscow Jewish Religious Community (MJRC), the Moscow Community of Mountain Jews "Beit Talhum", as well as representatives of communities of mountain Jews of Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and Derbent (Russia), Baku and Kuba (Azerbaijan), New York (USA) and Toronto (Canada).
                  The events marking the founding of the WCMJ began in the town of Tirat Karmel, where, commencing with a blessing by the Chief Rabbi of Israel Bakshi-Doron., the "Beit Talhum" synagogue of mountain Jews was officially opened.
                  This was followed, in Tel Aviv, by the first Congress of the WCMJ, at which the founding organizations were supplemented by delegates from a wide range of countries such as Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the USA, Israel, Germany, Austria and Canada.
                  The Congress, by formal resolution, established the WCMJ, ratified its Charter, elected its executive and committees and adopted a series of Congress resolutions.
                  Formal messages welcoming the establishment of the WCMJ were received by the first Congress from the President of Israel Moshe Katsav, the Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon, the EAJC President Alexander Machkevich and the Secretary General of the EAJC Michael Chlenov and the leaders of a number of other international and national Jewish organizations and communities. The greetings of the EAJC leaders to the 1st Congress of the WCMJ were conveyed by Roman Spektor, Vaad of Russia vice-president. The message from The EAJC follows.


                  Ladies and Gentlemen:
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), representing the Jews of three continents, we are sincerely happy to welcome the World Congress of Mountain Jews and to participate in its establishment.
                  It is especially pleasing for us to note that among the founders of your Congress, alongside with the EAJC, there are two large and significant organizations in its Russian component: the Federation of the Jewish Organizations and Communities - the Vaad of Russia and the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Unions in Russia (KEROOR), as well as the communities of Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan which are part of the EAJC.
                  We are confident that the founders of this new congress of Jews of the Euro-Asian region have been guided by history. The Mountain Jews were one of the first groups to establish Jewish communities on the territory of the former USSR. On "the Jewish street" of Eurasia, mountain communities have been distinguished due to their unique culture and zealous following of tradition. They should be sincerely proud, as we are, of the fact that, despite decades of imposed atheism, they have maintained observance to the precepts of the Torah.
                  This World Congress is being created as today the Mountain Jews live in a number of countries. Many of them have bravely served, with other Israelis, in the front line of the struggle against Palestinian terrorism. Others participate in the construction of new communities of the Russian-speaking Jewish Diaspora. Such communities and new Diasporas of the Mountain Jews are to be found right across the territory where the EAJC operates - from Australia in the east to Moldova in the west. For this reason the EAJC has decided to become one of the founders of the World Congress, ensuring the Mountain Jews of the Eurasian region are adequately represented.
                  We believe this decision will also become an important step towards overcoming estrangement between various sub-groups of Jewish people. We are convinced that only our cooperation can bring an end to unproductive and unnecessary internal antagonisms. We are convinced that, working together, we will be capable of acting in a spirit of Jewish unity.
                  Dialogue with Islam is one of the EAJC's core programs. The thousand-year history of the Jews of Northern Caucasus and Azerbaijan shows an impressive example of long-standing harmony with local Moslems. While there are some who will argue that the Arab-Israeli conflict has at its source irreconcilable religious issues, the Moslems and the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus live in peace and harmony. We shall cooperate in every possible way with the World Congress of Mountain Jews not only to strengthen this relationship, but to use it as the base for extending a Jewish hand of friendship.
                  We are establishing this Congress in order to work together for the unity of the Jewish people and for peace on the planet. Our organizations are drawn together by our shared love for Israel, whose successes are so important to the future security of the Jewish Diaspora.
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress we wish the World Congress of Mountain Jews and its participants long years of life, success in all their endeavours, well-being and prosperity.

                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC)
                  Michael Chlenov,
                  Secretary General of the EAJC, President of the Vaad of Russia

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department