"Toward peace and stability" Joint Declaration of the participants of the International Conference of Peace and Accord
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                  "Toward peace and stability" Joint Declaration of the participants of the International Conference of Peace and Accord


                  "TOWARD PEACE AND STABILITY"
                  JOINT DECLARATION OF THE

                  We, the participants of the International Conference of Peace and Accord held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the 13th of February, 2003,
                  Reaffirming our determination to provide all conditions for peaceful coexistence and cooperation of the states at the regional and global levels on the basis of the norms and principles of international law;
                  Supporting the efforts of the United Nations, other international and regional organizations, as well as individual states and non-governmental organizations on promotion of the dialogue among civilizations;
                  Emphasizing that this Conference is a part of the global process of development of the dialogue among civilizations and represents a continuation of the related initiatives of international and regional organizations and individual states and non-governmental organizations;
                  Stressing the importance of the realization of the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity and tolerance proclaimed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration;
                  Reaffirming the commitment to the provisions of the Declaration on collective responsibility for assertion of the principles of human dignity, justice and equality at the global level;
                  Recognizing the right of every person to freely follow his/her own religious beliefs;
                  Highly estimating a contribution by religious leaders to the cause of promotion of intercultural dialogue and maintaining peace and accord;
                  Rejecting misuse of religion by terrorist and separatist movements and groups for an ideological and political justification of their goals;
                  Expressing our desire to work jointly in the name of peace, security and stability on the global and regional levels;
                  Declare the following:
                  The world at the beginning of the 21st century is dynamic and diverse. It is a world of globalization and unprecedented opportunities for comprehensive development. Meanwhile the world has never been so interdependent and vulnerable. It is a world where progress and backwardness, abundance and poverty, a high level of uncertainty and risk coexist. Today the world faces large-scale security challenges. The stability and security of the states are undermined by terrorism, extremism, aggressive separatism. Illicit arms and drug trafficking, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings and organized crime present huge danger. The world witnesses continuing conflicts leading to an open interstate armed confrontation.
                  The outbreaks of violence in different regions of the world give birth to speculations about "a clash of civilizations", where the world is divided into opposing cultures, ideologies and religious beliefs. We are convinced that harmony among civilizations is attainable and this will contribute to maintaining peace and stability.
                  The political and religious leaders of the whole world should support a growing consensus aimed at the rejection of the practice of politicization of theological disputes, refusal to accept other views and accusations addressed to other religions.
                  We emphasize a special role of education and mass media in developing religious and ethnical tolerance, supporting an atmosphere of mutual respect among diverse cultures, opposing the instigation of discord and hostility between confessions, ethnic groups and cultures.
                  Terrorism and extremism have nothing in common with world religions, which have enriched the world civilization with eternal values of good and high morality. Islam, as well as other world religions, regards a human life as the greatest value and a divine gift, whose forced deprivation is considered the gravest crime.
                  We absolutely and unconditionally condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations irrespective of motivation, and also declare our determination to cooperate on a bilateral and multilateral basis in the fight against terrorism.
                  We see the basis for the dialogue among civilizations in values, common to all world religions, shared views on the problems of good and evil, justice and equality of people. Peace and security are inseparable from the issues of human dignity and fundamental human rights.
                  Today time has come and objective conditions exist for establishing a dialogue among civilizations. Religions can become an important unifying element in this dialogue.
                  The dialogue and mutual enrichment of civilizations through international and inter-religious contacts and cooperation are the crucial conditions for the harmonious development of the world.
                  The potential of universal humanistic ideas and ethical principles of each civilization has yet to be realized. The dialogue among them is possible only in an atmosphere of absolute respect and realization of fundamental and common values of human existence: assuring the rights and dignity of each individual, collective responsibility for the destiny of future generations, equality, justice and tolerance within and between cultural communities.
                  Universal values should be assumed as a basis of the world order, meeting the interests of all members of the international community without any exception. This allows our nations to lay the foundation of a more stable and just peace in the new third millennium.
                  It is time for cooperative work and concrete steps aimed at strengthening peace and harmony between nations, ensuring transparency and predictability of social and international life.
                  We will unite our efforts to contribute to the achievement of peace and accord through the establishment of "The forum of peace and stability", whose main task is the development of dialogue among nations, religions and civilizations. We invite all countries to join this initiative.