The 1st International Conference "Doctors Against Terrorism" / Support by the EAJC. USA, New York, April 6-7, 2003.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The 1st International Conference "Doctors Against Terrorism" / Support by the EAJC. USA, New York, April 6-7, 2003.


                  On April 6-7, 2003 in New York there was the First International Conference "Doctors Against Terrorism", organized under the auspices of World Congress of Russian Jewry (WCSJ). The preliminary stage of the Conference had passed 2 months before in Jerusalem.
                  To take part in the Conference, visitors from Austria, Israel, Russia and the Ukraine arrived. The token event of it became the participation in the forum of a well-known children's doctor Leonid Roshal, who was saving hostages during acts of terrorism.
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), alongside with the WCRJ, the Russo-American Fund (RAAF) and Coney Island hospital of New York supported the initiative of convocation the Conference.
                  Head of the EAJC's Department for Public Relations and MASS-MEDIA Roman Spektor attended the Conference and wished its participants successful work and congratulated them on behalf of Alexander Machkevich, the ЕАJC President and Michael Chlenov, the EAJC Secretary General.
                  The Conference was opened and conducted by the leader of Russian-speaking physicians of New York, Professor Igor Branovan. At the same time, the bulk of the organizational effort was fallen to the WCRJ Executive Director for Northern America Leonid Bard.
                  The Conference was welcomed by members of the US Congress Anthony Winner and Gerald Nadler, Head of Brooklyn Marty Markovitz, member of the Assembly of the State of New York Adel Cohen, staff member of the General Consulate of Israel in New York David Nekrutman, the Sokhnut's representative Ronny Winnikov. President of the RAAF Marina Kovalev read the salutatory address of the Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg.
                  Organizers of the Conference noted the help of volunteers from the Jewish community of Starret-City (the President – Malka Budilovskaya), Bukharian Jewry, JCRC, "The New Russian Word" newspaper and "National Wave" radio station. To the address of the forum, congratulations from Jewish organizations of Moldova, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc. also arrived.
                  Much interest was caused by the concept of professional medical opposition to consequences of terror, as stated by L. Bard.
                  Results of the Conference were reflected in the General Resolution (see Appendix) and in the Report on establishing a new international movement "Doctors Against Terror". Together with the Conference participants, the movement enlisted more than 60 doctors from Moldova, Kirghizstan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Armenia, Germany, Kazakhstan, cities of Israel and Russia, etc.


                  Jerusalem - New York, 2003
                  We, representatives of the medical public of the states of Europe, America and Asia, participants of the "First International Conference of Doctors", having heard speeches by our colleagues - experts in the field of extreme medicine, by victims and relatives of victims of terrorist attacks, political and public figures, spiritual leaders, we are emphasizing our conviction in the necessity of association and interaction of doctors of the whole world for solving acute professional and humanitarian problems arising as a result of antihuman acts of terror and extremism.
                  As a result of debating reports and speeches, discussions about the role, possibilities and activities of doctors in case of terrorist crimes against humanity, we unanimously came to a conclusion about the necessity of solving a series of crucial problems.
                  It is mandatory, over the shortest time possible:
                  - To create a database for scientific-practical information exchange, for emergency notification, personal contacts etc.;
                  - To develop or improve various systems of interaction by doctors and ad hoc medical services of different states for fast and effective liquidation of consequences of acts of terrorism in view of specificity of each country (legislative, religious, geographical and so forth);
                  - With the support of governments and non-governmental international organizations, to create international rehabilitation centers for rendering medical and psychological help to victims of terrorist acts;
                  - To strengthen the public voice of doctors on the international scene in the struggle against terrorism and extremism;
                  - The voice of representatives of the most humane trade on the Earth should sound loudly and authoritatively in all countries.
                  In order to solve the formulated problems we declare creation of a new International Social Movement "Doctors Against Terrorism". Our movement will build its activity on the principles of international law, cooperation and interaction with interstate and state structures, public associations and individuals sharing our belief. We call on doctors, staff of medical institutions, scientists, manufacturers of pharmaceutical produce, medical equipment and materials to begin full-fledged members of movement "Doctors Against Terrorism".
                  Adopted by participants of the First International Conference "Doctors Against Terrorism"
                  New York, April 6-7 2003

                  the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department