The STATEMENT of the leaders and representatives of Jewish organizations and communities acting in Ukraine.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The STATEMENT of the leaders and representatives of Jewish organizations and communities acting in Ukraine.



                  We, the leaders and representatives of Jewish organizations and communities in Ukraine regard the content and style of the statement published in the “VEK” newspaper on July 8, 2003 – directed against Joseph Zissels, Chairman of Vaad of Ukraine – completely inadmissible and unacceptable, both in the larger Jewish world and the Ukrainian Jewish community.

                  Whatever misunderstandings on various Jewish and non-Jewish issues exist, we disagree with the methods used by the organizers of the “VEK” statement to express them.

                  We consider that Joseph Zissels is one of the most active and authoritative leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish Community and are ready to collaborate further with him for the good of all Ukrainian Jews.

                  Director, the Center Jewish Education of Ukraine; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community; Coordination Council Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Presidium Member, the Vaad of Ukraine Yana Yanover
                  Presidium Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine Alexander Paskhaver
                  Program Board Director, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community Lyudmila Braginskaya
                  Coordination Council Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Presidium Member, the Vaad of Ukraine (Sumy-city) Valeriy Kontsevich
                  Director, the Institute of Jewish Studies; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community; Coordination Council Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Presidium Member, the Vaad of Ukraine Leonid Finberg
                  Coordination Council Member, the Vaad of Ukraine; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community; Executive Director, the Charitable Jewish Fund of Ukraine «Miloserdie–Magen-Avot» Yuri Slutskiy
                  Chief, the “Kherut-Olamit” Representation in Ukraine Timur Mishiev
                  Chief, the World-wide Movement of Workers «Avoda Olamit» Representation in Ukraine Alexey Lapidus

                  Founder Council Chairman, the International Solomon University Roman Shapshovich
                  Executive Director, the Kiev Jewish Society “Makkaby-Kiev”; Council Member, the Kyiv-city Jewish community; Government Member, the Zionist Federation of Ukraine Yevgeniy Greben
                  Vice-President, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine Roman Korenblit
                  The Jewish Sunday School; The Jewish Culture Society (Berdichev-city) Alexander Frenkel
                  Director, The League Magen-Ukraine; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community; Presidium Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Council Member, the World Congress of Russian Jewry; Vice Chairman, the Vaad of Ukraine Igor Kuperberg
                  Coordination Council Member, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Council Member, the Kiev-city Jewish community; Director, the Committee of Repatriation Ida Onufriichuk
                  President, the Women Club “Hava” Maya Zaitseva
                  Chief Editor, the “Khadashot” newspaper Timur Litovchenko
                  General Director, the Jewish National Foundation in Ukraine (KKL) Igor Dobryanskiy
                  Board Chairman, the Humanitarian Organization of Jewish schools “Or-Sameah”, Odessa Mark Kutseiko
                  Chairman, the Jewish religious community in Vinnitsa Isaak Novoselitsky
                  Newspaper “Community” editor, Vinnitsa Igor Desner
                  Chairman, the Jewish culture Society in Uman Lev Guralnik
                  Executive Director, the Charitable Fund “Magen-Avot” in Mukachevo Alla Agafonova
                  Presidium Member, the of Vaad of Ukraine; Chief, the “Beiteinu-Olamit” Representation in Ukraine Arkadiy Hidekeli
                  Chairman, the Jewish community in Zaporozhie; Presidium Member, the Vaad of Ukraine; Member of the Council of Regions, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine; Responsible Secretary of the society “Ukraine-Israel” in Zaporozhie Boris Esterkin
                  Chairman of the Jewish community, Chairman of the Jewish religious community, Chairman of the Jewish culture Society in Krivoi Rog Yuri Shifrin
                  Chairman, the “Hesed-Leib” Board; Chairman, the Charitable Fund Board “Magen-Avot” in Ivano-Frankovsk Mikhael Yuris
                  Director, the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies; Presidium Member, the Vaad of Ukraine Anatoliy Podolskiy
                  Representative of The Historical Video-documents foundation “Shoa Survivers” in Ukraine Anna Yudkovskaya
                  Leader, The Dancing National Amateur Ensemble "Mikol Khalev", Vinnitsa M. Lyaskovskaya
                  Deputy Chairman of the Chernovtsy Jewish Community Cultural Fund Isolda Rubinstein
                  Chairman of the Chernovtsy Charity Fund Maria Birnbaum
                  Executive Director of the JCFU branch in Chernovtsy Efim Pisarenko
                  Administrator of the Jewish Cultural Center Iakov Tau
                  Leader of the Progressive Judaism Congregation, Chernovtsy Polina Korenblum
                  Director of the Radiobroadcast “Dos Yiddishe Wort” Frida Palanker
                  Jewish Gymnasium #299 (Kiev) Igor Maidanich
                  Jewish Gymnasium #299 (Kiev) Leonid Kagan
                  Government Member, the Zionist Federation of Ukraine Maxim Baryshnikov
                  Chief, the “Beitar-FSU” Alexander Benderskyi
                  Government Member, the Zionist Federation of Ukraine, Coordinator, the “KIDMA” Organization in Ukraine Artem Kobzan
                  The Jewish tradition teacher, the sunday school of the Traditional Judaism Community (Kiev) Diana Gold
                  Chairman of the Traditional Judaism Community (Uzhgorod) Andrey Rotman
                  Chairman, the Jewish community in Rovno Yakov Grifko

                  Collection of signatures is still in progress.

                  Reproduced from