Euroasian Jewish News
The EAJC leadership is sharing anguish of loss with the relatives, colleagues and adherents of our friend Simcha Dinitz.
02.10.2003 To: Mr. Sallai Meridor,
Head of the
World Zionist Organization (WZO) &
The Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI)
It is with deep sorrow that we have learned about the sudden death of Simcha Dinitz, an outstanding figure of the World Zionist movement, a career diplomat, who effectively and with dignity was representing the State of Israel in Rome and Washington, D.C., when the Jewish State especially desperately needed international partnership.
At his post of Head of the WZO and JAFI Simcha Dinitz conducted operations Solomon and Exodus, as a result of which thousands and thousands of Jews from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union came back to their historical homeland.
We shall never forget his participation in the First Congress of the Jewish Organizations and Communities of the USSR, which gave start in life to the Vaad.
Not only to the participants of the congress, not only to those who knew him personally, but also for the new generations Simcha Dinitz will remain an example of selfless service to unity of the Jewish people, firmness of the State of Israel, and to the cause of peace between peoples.
Simcha Dinitz is an ineradicable link in the golden chain of continuity of the Zionist movement from the fathers-founders of Israel up to today's statesmen.
We are sharing anguish of loss with the relatives, colleagues and adherents of our friend Simcha Dinitz, and for ever shall we hold remembrance of him in our hearts.
Alexander Machkevitch, EAJC President, President of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan
Michael Chlenov, EAJC Secretary General, President of the Vaad of Russia
Josef Zissels, Chairman of the EAJC General Council,Chairman of the Vaad of the Ukraine