Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Leaders on Hanukkah.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Leaders on Hanukkah.


                  Dear friends and colleagues!

                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, which unites Jewry of Eastern Europe, Euro-Asia and Asia-Pacific region, we wish you happy Hanukkah!
                  The holiday was born long ago, when ancient Israelites lived in peace and friendship with their neighbours in Mediterranean region and other nations from Europe, Asia and Africa. However, Greek and Syrian governors were irritated with traditions and independence of Jews. Having decided to annihilate our people they desecrated Jerusalem Temple and forbade Jews to adhere the Torah.
                  There arose a revolt against the oppressors and Jews won a victory after long-lasting partisan war. The oppressors were drown away from Jerusalem and the Jews started to refine the Temple. They found the only flask with kosher anointing oil enough to fuel menorah for one night. This last portion of the oil had burned for eight days while Jews prepared anointing oil for Menorah. This is the occurrence our Torah teachers consider a miracle, and just it but not a military victory is a basis for the holiday.
                  But there would have been any miracle, if the Jews hadn’t lighted Menorah not waiting for enough oil. And just the same, Jews didn’t have enough means to withstand professional army of invaders-anti-Semites, but they got into battle to defend their right for identity and won the victory. Courage and heroism of our predecessors – the Maccabees – have been a shining example of virtue for ages.
                  Let the forthcoming Hanukkah holiday give everyone the opportunity to think of moral code and resoluteness to stand up for truth and justice struggling against evil and violence that are very important for life of nations and humankind. Let the Hanukkah lights illuminate all nations’ way to peace and consent based on mutual esteem through dialogue of cultures and traditions. Let Hanukkah remind us of inseparable connection with people and land of Israel, and of its undisputed right for state with united and undivided capital in Jerusalem.

                  Happy holiday! – Hag Sameach!

                  Sincerely Yours,

                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  The EAJC President
                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  The EAJC General Secretary
                  Josef Zissels
                  The EAJC General Council Chairman