The exhibition "Children against terror" was opened on February 2, 2004 in Kiev gallery "Dim Mykoly" (Kiev P
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                  The exhibition "Children against terror" was opened on February 2, 2004 in Kiev gallery "Dim Mykoly" (Kiev P


                  The exhibition "Children against terror" was opened on February 2, 2004 in Kiev gallery "Dim Mykoly" (Kiev Palce of Children and Youth). It is a commemoration of children who died after suicide bomber had attacked Tel Aviv Dolphi disco (near dolphinarium) on July 1, 2001. Except Israeli children this terrorist attack caused death to citizens of Ukraine - teenagers who arrived to Israel as tourists.
                  Parents of the children – victims of the terrorist attack – carefully collected their paintings and initiated this memorial art exposition.
                  The exhibition has been shown in Berlin, Prague, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk since April, 2003.
                  The exhibition in Kiev was organized by: the Jewish agency for Israel in Ukraine and Moldova (Chief of the mission Mr. Alex Kats), the Federation of Jewish Communities (Chief rabbi of Ukraine Israel Haikin, rabbi Yonatan Markovich), the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (Vaad) of Ukraine (Mr.Joseph Zisels, Chair of the Vaad of Ukraine, EAJC General Council Chairman), the Institute of Jewish Studies (director Leonid finberg), Committee of Solidarity with Israel of the World Congress of Russian Jewry (Chairman Mr. Shmuel Azarkh).
                  Mrs. Liudmila Kuchma, honorary President of the foundation "Ukraine to children"; Nomi Ben Ami, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine; Mr. John Herbst, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the United States of America to Ukraine; Raul Chilachava, deputy chief of the State Committee of Ukraine on Nationalities and Migration; Mr. Eugene Chervonenko, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress; Mr. Ishtvan Haidosh, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, chairman of the Council of Public Organizations of National Minorities at President of Ukraine, delivered their speeches at the opening ceremony.
                  They were unanimous that terrorism has no nationalities and borders, that terror has neither rear, nor front lines and common efforts is the only way to prevent new attacks of terrorists.
                  Honorable visitors have familiarized with the exposition, and documentary film shot hot on the trail of tragic developments.
                  The exhibition in Kiev will work till February 14, 2004.
                  It is planned to present the exhibition in Stockholm in the nearest future.