On February 23, Alexander Machkevich, President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), celebrates 50th anniversary.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  On February 23, Alexander Machkevich, President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), celebrates 50th anniversary.



                  On February 23, Alexander Machkevich, President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), celebrates jubilee.
                  Organizations and communities of the EAJC, congratulate Alexander Machkevich on the fiftieth anniversary and wish him health, successes in every undertaking and family happiness.
                  Jewish education, adherence to the tradition, zealousness commitment to purpose have helped him to become an authoritative community leader and successful businessman. One can hardly find a lot of leaders, whose way of life is devotion to traditions and ideals of their nation, among Jewish beau monde well known for Russians. Alexander Machkevich belongs to this small cohort.
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has united representatives of various schools of Judaism, people with various ideologies from Jewish communities and authoritative international organizations from the CIS countries, Australia, India, Mongolia, Japan, Bulgaria and New Zealand. Initiatives of the EAJC President have helped to liven up small Jewish communities around the globe, and have given new life to Jewish Moslem dialogue.
                  EAJC president pays a lot of attention to life of Jewish communities and provides them with significant charitable help. Due to his efforts a lot of existing synagogues have been restored and new synagogues are being constructed, communities receive Passover (Pesakh) matzoth, Jewish communities of various countries get significant material help. Alexander Machkevich has also supported a lot of good deeds in Israel.
                  Let the experience and wisdom of the ancestors strengthen the EAJC President in his aspiration to improve morality in our world and reach a principle "tikkun olam" (a concept of repairing the world through social action) at a global level, and bring peace and prosperity to him, his family and all Jewish people.
                  Mazl tov, Alexander Machkevich! Up to 120!