The largest synagogue in central Asia is opened in Astana.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The largest synagogue in central Asia is opened in Astana.



                  EAJC in Media
                  Digest, September 2004

                  A solemn opening ceremony of a new Beith Rachel synagogue has commenced in Kazakhstan’s capital. The building of the synagogue is recognized as the largest among similar Jewish religious institutions of Central Asia. The construction of the new synagogue was funded by the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) and named in honor of the mother of Alexander Machkevitch, Kazakh Jewry leader and the EAJC President.
                  Leaders of Jewish organizations from all over the world have come to the opening ceremony, including officials and rabbis of EAJC Jewish communities from the CIS countries, Eastern Europe and Asian pacific region; Yona Metzger, Rabbi-in-Chief of Israel; one of the leaders of the USA Jewry; Ronald Lauder, head of Eesti Lauder group.
                  Kazakhstan’s leaders are also taking part in this grand opening: Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of Kazakhstan, Umirzak Shukeev, mayor of Astana city, Absattar kazhi Derbisali, Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan, foreign diplomats and other officials.
                  Speaking of Nazarbaev’s participation in this ceremony, the EAJC President highlighted that the head of the state regularly assists at activities that are held by Kazakhstan conventional confessions.
                  “Today morning international Jewish community has recognized Nursultan Nazarbaev’s outstanding contribution into the world’s dialogue between civilizations and awarded an international Maimonides prize to the President”, - Dr. Machkevitch said. – And now the Kazakh Jews are welcoming Nazarbaev as the state leader who is successfully maintaining international and religious peace in our common home”.
                  Celebrations in Astana will last till the end of the day.

                  Original publication (in Russian):