Euroasian Jewish News
Congratulation of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (Eajc) leaders on Hanukkah.
Dear friends and colleagues!
On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) we would like heartily wish you happy Hanukkah!
The holiday appeared in the times when the enemies of Jewish people decided to annihilate our people, by means of depriving people of their traditions and independence. It was a rebellion against Jews oppressors and it resulted in Jerusalem Temple liberation and eight day Hanukkah candle miracle.
Let the forthcoming Hanukkah remind everybody about the importance of struggle with anti-Semitism whose black shadow is above our world now.
Euro-Asian Jewish congress makes all possible in order to remove judofobia apparition by the lights of interethnic and interfaith dialogs, which can lead humanity to peace and harmony.
Hag Sameah!
Alexander Machkevich The EAJC President, Kazakhstan Jewish Congress President
Mikhail Chlenov The EAJC General Secretary, Vaad of Russia President
Josef Zissels The EAJC General Council Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine Chairman