Regular meeting of the Russia's Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy (FJNCA) Council was held in Moscow.
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                  Regular meeting of the Russia's Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy (FJNCA) Council was held in Moscow.


                  FJNCA COUNCIL MEETING

                  Moscow, Russia, February 4, 2005
                  Regular meeting of the Russia's Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy (FJNCA) Council was held in Moscow Nationalities' House on February 4, 2005.
                  The meeting gathered leaders of regional Jewish national-cultural autonomies (JNCA) from Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Sverdlovsk, Tatarstan, Nenetsky and other regions of Russia. Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJCR) Executive Director Valery Engel among them represented a number of regional autonomies.
                  FJNCA President, Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Prof. Michael Chlenov and FJNCA Executive Director Ms. Eugenia Mikhaleva introduced those present to the Agenda, which reflected both current issues and relevant events.
                  Discussion of new tendencies in anti-Semitic demonstrations in the Russian Federation, thorough analysis of application documents from those willing to enter the FJNCA and confirmation of new FJNCA Trustee Council Chairman's appointment went along with reviewing urgent tasks and prospects of Jewish life in Russia.
                  Vladimir Sloutsker - the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) President, which is a cofounder of the EAJC - agreed to assume the position of FJNCA Trustee Council Chairman and thanked everybody present for the trust and support rendered.
                  At that he especially pointed out the initiative of EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch, who offered him to take up that post. V. Sloutsker described the immediate plan of the RJC and FJNCA cooperation in creating regional Jewish representation on the territory of the Russian Federation. He also introduced the participants to his viewpoint regarding the development of Jewish life in Russia.
                  All new requests of regional autonomies to enter the FJNCA were complied with. Special organizational decision concerning Ryazan JNCA was met to send an official inquiry to the body of the JNCA in Ryazan with the requirement to take appropriate measures regarding the fact of application documents having been carelessly filled in that took place several months ago.
                  At the moment the FJNCA includes 27 regional Jewish national-cultural autonomies.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department