International forum "World Jewish Communities against Terror, for Peace in the Middle East".
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  International forum "World Jewish Communities against Terror, for Peace in the Middle East".



                  Ukraine - Moldova, September 9-13, 2005
                  The President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, the acting Minister for Transport and Communication of Ukraine and EAJC Vice-President Eugene Chervonenko, and Colorado Governor Bill Owens took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to the victims of terror in the world in Kyiv, September 11th 2005.
                  The ceremony was held within the framework of international forum "World Jewish Communities against Terror, for Peace in the Middle East", initiated by EAJC together with Jewish communities of Ukraine. All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress headed by Vadim Rabinovich presented the main Forum initiator on behalf of Ukraine.
                  "This monument, the first of the kind, is the symbol of grief for innocent victims of world terror and at the same time the token of solidarity of Ukrainian people with our unbending terror combat" - said the EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch at the opening ceremony.
                  The President of Ukraine, V. Yushchenko stated that Ukraine was one of the first to join international antiterrorist coalition and continues to be its part despite the fact that sovereign years of the nation saw no terror acts.
                  "The last decade showed that there are no state borders for terrorism - added A. Machkevitch - the delegates of the forum and members of the EAJC General Council, opened in Kyiv these days, became aware that Ukraine considers the world combat against terrorism as its own contribution to the creation of common house for people of Eurasia". A. Machkevitch has presented President Yushchenko a memorable gift with EAJC symbol.
                  Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassadors of Israel to Ukraine and Moldova Naomi Ben-Ami and of the USA to Ukraine John Herbst, World Jewish Congress (WJC) Secretary General Stephen Herbits, and representatives of international Jewish organizations welcomed EAJC General Council.
                  All the EAJC General Council members presented their reports on the work done. They provided the detailed information on their inter-religious dialogue experience, struggle against anti-Semitism and restitution of Jewish communal property. EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov and the EAJC General Council Chairman Joseph Zissels gave comprehensive reports.
                  Members of General Council discussed the statements of Haim Chessler, the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) representative, and Vjacheslav Likhachev, the "Main tendencies of anti-Semitism in Euro-Asia" newsletter editor.
                  The reception given by Vaad of Ukraine was preceded by new multimedia presentation of Jewish museum introduced by Leonid Finberg.
                  The acting Ukraine Minister of Foreign Affairs Borys Tarasyuk received the EAJC delegation during their visit to Ukraine. He described the situation in the country as "the crisis of power", that will be defeated in the near future. A. Machkevitch informed the minister about EAJC work emphasizing the role of the Ukrainian Jews.
                  EAJC events commenced with a solemn celebration of Shabbat on Friday, September 9th, 2005 in the well-known Brodsky Synagogue in Kyiv, and closed with the opening ceremony of Jewish Community centers in Sumy, Ukraine and Chisinau, Moldova in the presence of executive officials of international Jewish organizations and with the participation of the EAJC General Council.

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department