EAJC Awards Presentation to Righteous among the Nations.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Awards Presentation to Righteous among the Nations.



                  Smolensk, Russia, November 11, 2005
                  On November 11, 2005, the Jewish Diaspora of Smolensk headed by its leader Victor Gitlin, held a grand reception in the honor of the Righteous among the Nations, Ms. Taisia Lukashenko.
                  During World War II, in the years of Smolensk occupation by Nazi troops, Т. Lukashenko, saved Jews at the hazard of her life.
                  In commemoration of the heroic deed of the Smolensk Righteous woman and on the occasion of her 90-th birthday, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (ЕАJC) decided to award T. Lukashenko with its medal and Diploma.
                  "I accept the ЕАJC medal as an award from all Jews - my compatriots", - declared Т. Lukashenko after the ЕАJC representative carried out the Congress decision at the reception in Smolensk, - "It is a great pleasure for me, who survived the war and occupation, to see how much is done by this organization for friendship of nations in Russia and former USSR states".
                  Along with T. Lukashenko, the ЕАJC Diploma and medal were awarded to the Russian Righteous among the Nations Club President, Mr. Nickolai Dorozhinskiy, who was also invited to Smolensk by organizers of celebrations.
                  During the reception, the heroine was also greeted by: representatives of authorities, who read greetings from the Smolensk area of Russia Governor Victor Maslov and from city of Smolensk Mayor Vladislav Khaletsky, and delegations from business society and the community.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department