Anti-Zionist UN Resolution Revocation 14th Anniversary / EAJC Address.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Anti-Zionist UN Resolution Revocation 14th Anniversary / EAJC Address.



                  December 16, 2005
                  On the occasion of the 14th Anniversary of the revocation of the so-called "Anti-Zionist" United Nations (UN) General Assembly Resolution adopted on November 10, 1975, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leadership has addressed the Governments in a number of states who supported this decision in 1991 (please, refer to the Append.).
                  "Above all we have decided to address those Governments where Jewish organizations and communities participate in the EAJC", - explained Alexander Machkevitch, the EAJC President to the journalists, "The position confirmed by the voting of these countries 14 years ago contributed not only to rectification of an injustice towards Israel, but also to confidence-building on the part of Jews in the Diaspora".
                  Dr. Machkevitch has also appealed to the world community to condemn the recent declaration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, who openly rejected the Holocaust.
                  "Despite of the UN Resolution criticizing the leader of Iran, he goes on with his mean rhetoric that has a smell of Gebbels’s propaganda",- emphasized the EAJC President, "The UN have to go back to this problem and take care not to make such mistakes in the future".

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department