Euroasian Jewish News
Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Leaders on Purim.
13.03.2006 On behalf of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, which unites each year more and more Jewish communities and organizations from 3 continents we would like to congratulate you with Purim!
This holiday is devoted to happy escape of Jewish people of from genocide threat, which was 2 thousand years ago. In the Jewish history there are many cases when our fellowmen rebutted threat of extirpation. Nowadays when the level of anti-Semitism is increasing we should remember that not only by mean of God but also by using our own strength we survived and preserved our freedom.
Let this Purim remind each of us about the principles of self-sacrificing, justice and tolerance which always helped Jewish people to survive during difficult times.
Hag Sameah,
Sincerely Yours,
Alexander Machkevich The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President, Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan President
Mikhail Chlenov The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Secretary, Va'ad of Russia President
Josef Zissels The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman, Va'ad of Ukraine Chairman