Israel Solidarity Campaign Goes On In Russia.
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                  Israel Solidarity Campaign Goes On In Russia.



                  The Russian Jewish community held Israel solidarity rally "We are against terror" on August 9 in Moscow Choral Synagogue. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), the Vaad of Russia and the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Communities in Russia (KEROOR) organized the event.
                  Rabbi-in-Chief of Russia Adolph Shaevich, in his speech, noted that nowadays the society lives with the sore heart for what is happening in the Middle East because many have relatives, acquaintances or friends in Israel. "Such a situation when innocent blood is flown, can last for ages, and that doesn't encourage", - Shaevich said. Recalling many slaughters us moments in the Jewish history, the rabbi pointed out that "we are opposed to war and stand for peace among nations".
                  Israeli Ambassador to Russia Arcadi Mil-Man in his statement stressed the issue of Lebanese conflict biased covering in the world media. "They often accuse Israel of excess violence saying it should be equal to the threat. But the danger emerging from Hezbollah now is a true threat to the State of Israel and to the Jewish community", - the diplomat pointed out.
                  He noted the militants' leader Sheikh Nasrallah words broadcasted live about the urge to "fight against Jews all over the world" and recalled that it was Hezbollah to carry out the acts of terror in Argentina in the early 90-s when Israeli embassy building and Jewish cultural center venue in Buenos Aires were blown up.
                  EAJC Secretary General, Vaad of Russia President, Michael Chlenov pointed out with regret the existence of double standards on the Russian TV. Covering the situation with Russian citizens in Lebanon and Palestinian Autonomy in depth, TV channels never mention the fate of hundreds of thousands Russian citizens living in the Israeli regions under Hezbollah fire, he said.
                  Moreover, neither Hezbollah, which supporters had kidnapped a group of Soviet diplomatic officials and murdered one 20 years ago, no Hamas have ever been put on the terrorist organizations list published recently by the officials. Thereupon Chlenov has called Russian authorities to get rid of double standards in the case of Middle East conflict.
                  Chlenov finished his speech with the news about the fundraising for Israel organized by the EAJC. They have raised already more than US $700,000 now. "This money will help the people who are stuck up for days in the bomb-shelters, those relocated to the children's campuses, etc", - said he.
                  Israeli MKs, Zeev Elkin and Yosef Shagal, also took part in Moscow anti-terrorist rally. They arrived in Russia under the Jewish state solidarity campaign held by EAJC. Earlier Shagal and his colleague Michael Nudelman have visited Ukraine with the same mission.
                  The head of Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine Foreign relations committee Vitaliy Shybko greeted in Kiev the MKs, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Naomi Ben Ami and EAJC General Council Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Jozef Zissels.
                  Apart from the meetings with the Jewish communities of Ukraine and Russia, the delegation held a press conference and was interviewed by the leading media. In its turn the EAJC is going to organize a tour to the destroyed Israeli regions for a group of CIS and Eastern Europe journalists in the nearest future, the EAJC President, Kazakhstan Jewish community leader, Alexander Machkevitch said.
                  "The Jewish state defends itself not only from Palestinian and Lebanese terrorists", - Machkevitch stated, - "A massive flow of falsehood and libel is being spread in the media. Our objective is to restore unbiased covering we expect from independent mass media".
                  EAJC President also mentioned that a special session of the EAJC General Council is soon to be held in Israel. Jewish leaders from the 3 continents are to arrive and show solidarity and support to the Jewish state.

                  Original publication (in Russian): Sem40