Donors of Israel Appeal Programs Meet in London.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Donors of Israel Appeal Programs Meet in London.



                  The Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal (KH-UIA) members and their guests have met at the regular International Leadership Reunion (ILR) in London. The KH-UIA was founded before the establishment of the Jewish state and it unites the major donors financing projects for its development.
                  The FSU states were represented at the meeting by Alexander Machkevitch, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) and the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan President, as well as the KH-UIA President in the CIS since 2005, and Michael Chlenov, the EAJC Secretary General and the Vaad of Russia President.
                  Within the ILR framework, post-Soviet Jewry representatives held negotiations with KH-UIA leaders, including Avi Pazner, the KH-UIA World Chairman, and the KH-UIA Honorary President Mendel Kaplan, being as Machkevitch a World Jewish Congress (WJC) Steering Committee member.
                  On the first day of the ILR Kaplan held a reception devoted to the FSU Jewry. Chlenov met Uzi Arad, the Chairman of the Annual Herzliya Conference Series on Israel's Balance of National Security, where the Israeli elite discuss political, economic, regional and demographic issues of the Middle East.
                  The ILR closing speech of Shimon Peres, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and the Vice PM of Israel, was devoted to the current range of Israeli problems.
                  While commenting the passed events to journalists, Machkevitch has specially noted that the KH-UIA ILR demonstrated the readiness of the Jewish Diaspora to support Israel in its struggle against international terrorism and implementation of educational programs to ensure the future of the Jewish state.
                  "We will further support Israel within the framework of KH-UIA programs, as we used to do in the course of our mission of solidarity with the Jewish state during the Lebanon conflict", - said the EAJC President.

                  Original publication (in Russian)