EAJC condoles with you upon the sudden death of Israeli Knesset member Yuri Shtern.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC condoles with you upon the sudden death of Israeli Knesset member Yuri Shtern.


                  Yuri ShternEuro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jewry of Eastern Europe, Euro-Asia and Asia-Pacific region, condoles with you upon the sudden death of Israeli Knesset member Yuri Shtern.
                  Yuri Shtern was an eminent Jewish politician who successfully represented USSR aliyah in Israeli government and the Knesset, where he was a leader of parliamentary group developing relations with Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Our successful partnership contributed much to establishment of closer relations between Israel and other countries representing Eurasian regions.
                  We will always remember Yuri Shtern as a consistent defender of the Jewish state and Diaspora, prominent intellectual and a good friend. We pray God to send consolation to his family in this tragic moment for all of us.
                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  EAJC President,
                  President of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan

                  Michael Chlenov,
                  EAJC Secretary General,
                  President of the VAAD of Russia

                  Josef Zissels,
                  EAJC General Council Chairman,
                  Chairman of the VAAD of Ukraine