Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Leaders on Purim.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Leaders on Purim.


                  Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Leadership with Purim

                  Dear colleagues and friends!
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) that unites Jewish organizations and communities at 3 continents cordially congratulates you with Purim!
                  The Purim is dedicated to the miraculous escape of our people from annihilation that could happen 2.5 thousand years ago. Today when physical and spiritual successors of Anti-Semites try to make their plans we have to be together and with Gods help repulse the enemy.
                  Let the cheerful holiday Purim remind every Jew about the principle of solidarity, without which couldn't exist the State of Israel and Jews in Diaspora.

                  Sincerely yours,

                  Alexander Machkevich
                  The EAJC President
                  The Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan President

                  Mikhail Chlenov
                  The EAJC Secretary General
                  The Vaad of Russia President

                  Josef Zissels
                  The EAJC General Council Chairman
                  The Vaad of Ukraine Chairman