Jewish History and Culture Week / EAJC Participation.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Jewish History and Culture Week / EAJC Participation.


                  Jewish History and Culture Week

                  Chernovtsy, the Ukraine, August 2008.
                  A Week of Jewish History and Culture of Bukovina will be held on August 17-24 in Chernovtsy. The program of the Week, timed to the 600 anniversary of the town, is planned by the Association of Jewish organizations and communities - the Vaad of the Ukraine with the support of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC).
                  The Week of Jewish History and Culture coincides with another date - the 20th anniversary of independent Jewish movement in the Ukraine. In those Soviet times the Jewish Publicly-Cultural Fund of Chernovtsy with the current EAJC General Council Chairman and the Vaad of the Ukraine Chairman Joseph Zissels as its head was the first Ukrainian organization to become a member of Jewish Cultural Association (JCA).
                  The second international conference "Yiddish language and culture" is to be the culmination of the Week. More than 40 professors from 11 countries will participate in it.
                  EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch greeted the participants stressing the historical significance of the event and mentioning that the first similar conference was also held in Chernovtsy 100 years ago.
                  The program of the Week includes presentation of the museum of Jewish culture and history of Bukovina where a unique document will be exposed - a Hebrew prayer for Franz I composed in 1792. This unique object was acquired at the auction in Israel.
                  During the Week of Jewish history and culture of Bukovina one of many deserted synagogues will work again. A few such synagogues were passed by the City Council to the local Jewish Community. Several more events are planned: an exhibition "Jewish Book in Bukovina", an exhibition of the Jewish painters who worked before World War II, an exhibition of Jewish postcards, solo concerts and recitals of Jewish musicians and poets who come from Bukovina.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department