EAJC Statement in Connection With the IDF Anti-Terroristic Operation in Gaza
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                  EAJC Statement in Connection With the IDF Anti-Terroristic Operation in Gaza


                  EAJC Statement in Connection With the IDF Anti-Terroristic Operation in Gaza

                  The IDF anti-terroristic operation "Cast Lead", which is aimed at destroying Hamas' military infrastructure, has entered the ground offensive stage. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) expresses its solidarity with the decisive actions of the Israel Defense Force and the government of the State of Israel, and hope for a successful conclusion to the operation. The Jewish communities and organizations of 26 European and Asian-Pacific region countries, which take part in the EAJC, are unanimously united in their support of the actions of the Jewish state.
                  During the recent years, Gazan terrorists have rained unrelenting rocket fire on Israel cities, first and foremost on Sderot. In 2007, the General Assembly of EAJC, which took place in Jerusalem, adopted a declaration about the situation in Sderot, in which the delegates of the Assembly expressed their resolute indignation at the artillery fire, which has plagued the city of Sderot for six years, rendering normal life in the city impossible. The targets of the terrorists are civilians, including those Arabs which live in Israel.
                  Despite Israel's actions, which have included an unprecedented effort at one-sided demarcation, the situation only worsened with time. The terrorists have not decreased their activity. After the coup which placed the terrorist organization Hamas at the helm of the Gaza sector, the artillery fire on Israel territories has taken on a systematic character. Hama's official goal includes the destruction of the State of Israel, and the creation of a Muslim state from Jordan in the East to the Mediterranean Sea in the West. After the failure of negotiations, Israel was compelled to use force to defend its own citizens.
                  The EAJC wishes to stress that the anti-terroristic operation of the IDF is a last resort and beard a defensive character. The Israel army targets only the terroristic infrastructure. Israel strictly keeps within the boundaries of international law.
                  The EAJC calls for international support of Israel's actions, and expresses hope that the operations of the Israel Defense Force result in minimal civilian casualties, and yet completely destroy the terroristic infrastructure in Gaza. This is a matter of interest for both Israelis and the ordinary Palestinians, who suffer just as much from the aggressive and provocative actions of the terrorists.
                  Alexander Mashkevich
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President,
                  Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan President
                  Mikhail Chlenov
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Secretary,
                  Va'ad of Russia President
                  Josef Zissels
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman,
                  Va'ad of Ukraine Chairman