Meeting of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Presidium
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Meeting of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Presidium


                  Meeting of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Presidium

                  In Astana, a meeting of the Presidium of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC, Congress) took place. Among the participant EAJC President Alexandex Mashkevich, Executive Vice-President Fyodor Osinin, Vice-President Yuri Raskin, EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov, Chairman of the General Council Joseph Zisels, Head of the Department of Publis Relations Roman Spector, and member of the Board of Directors Victor Gaft.
                  The agenda of the EAJC Presidium meeting included a discussion of strategic priorities and top-priority actions for the Congress in 2009, 2010, a discussion of tasks for the nearest period, a consideration of proposals for the perfection of the organizational structure of the Congress. This meeting of the Presidium ended the stage of discussions on the necessity of a "reset" in the EAJC.
                  The following main decisions were made as a result of the discussions:
                  1. The priority strategic directions for the activity of the EAJC during 2009-2010 will be:
                  - "Dialogue–Tolerance";
                  - "Support of Religious and Community Life."
                  2. Attention must be focused towards very important additions to EAJC activity, such as creating an Analytical Center, modernizing the concept of the EAJC presence in the Internet, and also on the development of the informational and communicational structure of the Congress.
                  3. To perfect the organizational system of the leadership of the EAJC by widening the functional duties of the Vice-President on EAJC Development Yuriy Raskin into the coordination of Congress activity.
                  4. To delegate the organization of the budgeting and financial planning of EAJC activity to the Vice-President on Development and Coordination Yuriy Raskin and Executive Vice-President Fyodor Osinin. The approval of the budget is to take place during further EAJC Presidium meetings.
                  Besides these main positions, the Presidium made additional decisions concerning the optimization of the organizational structure of the EAJC and the increase of effectiveness of Congress activity.