Vice-President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Leader of “Development” Project Yuriy Raskin Appointed the Executive Vice-P
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                  Vice-President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Leader of “Development” Project Yuriy Raskin Appointed the Executive Vice-P


                  Vice-President of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Leader of “Development” Project Yuriy Raskin appointed the Executive Vice-President of EAJC

                  In June 2009 Vice-President of Euro-Asian Jewidh Congress (EAJC), leader of “Development” project Yuriy Konstantinovich Raskin was appointed the Executive Vice-President of EAJC.
                  By July 2009 EAJC President Aleksandr Mashkevich, Yuriy Raskin and the EAJC Treasurer Fedor Osinin have completed administrative and financial reform of the Congress. They approved new structure of the EAJC's management, as well as the organization's budget and reporting documents.
                  Yuriy Raskin is a mathematician by education and he has PhD in Economics. He served as a director of the scientific and manufacturing company “INEKS'. Since the beginning of the 1990 he's been a businessman.
                  In 1997 Raskin became a member of the Presidium of Russian Jewish Committee (RJK) as a sponsor of charitable programs and as a leader of Nizhniy Novgorod branch of RJK. In 2002 – 2004 he was the RJK's Executive Vice-President. Yuriy Raskin received several awards for his sponsorships and charity work in the Russian Jewish Community.
                  In the end of 2007 Raskin became a Vice-President of EAJC. He becomes a head of new complex project “Development” that supports various EAJC programs.
                  Under the Yuriy Raskin's leadership new sub-division of the Congress, The Board of Directors that includes businessmen supporting program activities of EAJC, was established.