The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is Appalled by Anti-Semitic Act in Chisinau
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is Appalled by Anti-Semitic Act in Chisinau

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is Appalled by Anti-Semitic Act in Chisinau


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) expresses extreme indignation at the barbaric anti-Semitic act which took place in the center of the Moldovian capitol. A group of vandals demonstratively destroyed the Hanukkah menorah erected with the permission of the authorities in the European Square of the Chisinau Central Park, all while shouting anti-Semitic slogans.

                  We are truly concerned by the fact that the desecration of a Jewish religious symbol was done under the cover of Orthodox Christian rhetoric. Barbarism can never and nowhere be justified by religious interest.

                  We are even more concerned about the policy of connivance towards the vandals by the local police, as witnessed by many bystanders. Such impunity always leads to even worse crime.

                  The demonstrative act of vandalism by religious extremists in Chisinau is not just an offense thrown into the fact of the Jewish community of Moldova and the entire Jewish world. It is an attempt to destroy the international and interreligioous peace in the republic. This event is even more disconcerting because of the EAJC's strong working ties with the leadership of the republic, as EAJC activity in the sphere of inter-confessional and inter-national dialogue was always supported and understood by the authorities of Moldova.
                  We state our solidarity to our Moldovan colleagues – the Jewish community of Moldova and the Jewish Congress of Moldova. We are ready to do everything in our power to support the Jewish community of the republic.

                  We hope that the healthy forces in Moldovan society and, first and foremost, in the government bodies and the leadership of the Metropoly of Moldova, will give the moral and legal judgement of the event that it deserves. We believe that inter-national peace will remain, and those who commited a crime against society will be duly punished.

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  EAJC President

                  Michael Chlenov,
                  EAJC Secretary General

                  Joseph Zisels
                  EAJC General Council Chairman