Victory Day Salutations
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Victory Day Salutations

                  Victory Day Salutations


                  Dear Friends!
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, we present our most sincere salutations on the 65th anniversary on the end of war in Europe.
                  This is a great holiday for all of us, who live today thanks to this Victory, but this is first and foremost a holiday for those who freed the world from the Nazi plague with their blood, their toil, and their superhuman efforts.
                  This is the holiday of the war veterans and the heroic workers of support.
                  This is the holiday of the former prisoners of Nazi ghettoes and concentration camps who received a second life through the Victory.
                  This is the holiday of the Righteous Gentiles, who saved not only human lives, but a belief in humanity during a time which seemed inhuman.
                  In that great and frightening war, the children of different nations fought and worked beside each other for Victory. And we, Jews, are proud of the fact that our fathers and grandfathers were not nearly last at the frontline. Thousands of Jewish names are witnesses to this face - and the names of our dead warriors written into sad martyrologies, and those written into the imperishable registers of military honor. We are proud of the Jews who forged the sword of vengeance in the factories and engineering bureaus.
                  The Victory saved the lives of nations doomed to extinction, and the first of those nations was the Jewish people. The Victory gave a future to those who live and are born today. Thanks to the Victory, the Jewish State - Israel - was born.
                  We wish good health and long life to the veterans, and wish peace, good, and well-being to their children, grand-children and great-grandchildren.
                  Alexander Mashkevich,                                                          Michael Chlenov,
                  EAJC President                                                                   EAJC Secretary General
                  Josef Zisels,                                                                        Yuri Raskin,
                  EAJC General Council Chairman                             EAJC Executive Vice-President