EAJC Rosh-ha-Shana Salutations
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Rosh-ha-Shana Salutations

                  EAJC Rosh-ha-Shana Salutations


                  Dear friends!

                  As we stand before the new Jewish calendar year, the year 5771, we turn back to remember the main events of the departing year and to evaluate both what we had achieved and what we had been unable to do, what we did not have time to do.
                  The departing year had not been an easy one for the entire world. It was not easy for the Jews, nor for the Jewish state. But such is the fate of our people that we do not have easy times in our history. Despite the threats aimed at Israel, despite the anti-Israeli demonstrations and attacks on Israel from so-called “progressive society,” we never lost optimism. First and foremost because the world Jewish community has been consolidating and showing its solidarity with Israel.
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress continued its multifaceted activity in the departing year, and we can be justly proud of many of our achievements.
                  It had been an intense year. We had a grand celebration of the 20th anniversary rebirth of Jewish community life in the former Soviet Union. We organized a number of large-scale events for the anniversary of the Victory over Nazism. We participated in authoritative international forums and conferences. Representatives of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leadership held a number of important strategic meetings with the leaders of different countries and heads of religious denominations. The EAJC traditional diplomatic mission was conducted successfully in SAR, as was the solidarity mission to Israel.
                  The daily EAJC work in its traditional directions – spiritual rebirth, inter-civilizational dialogue, fostering of tolerance - also continued.
                  There was much done, howeber (as it should be!) there are many more tasks for the future. And this certainly stimulates our activity for the good of the Jewish people.
                  I wish all Jews, wherever they may live, peace, goodness, and prosperity. I wish you a good and sweet year!
                  Shana tova u'metuka!

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  EAJC President