EAJC Statement on Iran President's UN General Assembly Speech
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement on Iran President's UN General Assembly Speech

                  EAJC Statement on Iran President's UN General Assembly Speech


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is deeply offended by the speech of the President of Iran Mahmud Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly, in which the Iranian leader has tried once again to doubt the right of the State of Israel to exist.

                  Considering the often declared hatred of the Iranian leader toward the Jewish state, he said nothing new. However, in the circumstances of growing anti-Israeli attitudes among the so-called "liberal Western public," such statements may pour fuel into the fire of the campaign to delegitimize Israel.

                  The EAJC decisively condemns the speech of the Iranian President, and demands that the prime international structures stop providing a tribune for the propagation of attempts at delegitimizing the Jewish state and hate towards it.