“Project Kesher” Seminar on Health Held In Kiev
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  “Project Kesher” Seminar on Health Held In Kiev

                  Seminar participants

                  “Project Kesher” Seminar on Health Held In Kiev


                  The International Jewish women's organization "Project Kesher," which is part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), has given a seminar in Kiev. Leaders of women's groups from twenty cities from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.

                  The seminar was dedicated to the "Beit Binah" program, which has been being implemented for over a year now by Project Kesher. The goal of the program is to improve the social life of women, to overcome negative stereotypes in the healthcare sphere. It is important that the programs bases its attitude towards a healthy way of life on Jewish tradition, in which caring for one's health is considered a most important precept.

                  The Jewish National Fund of Russia (JNF) has been a long-time partner of "Project Kesher," and JNF Director Raphael Fainberg took part in the opening of the seminar. When speaking of the plans of the Fund, its projects and programs, he stressed that "Project Kesher" and JNF Russia are strategic partners with a two-way connection. The Fund helps implement "Project Kesher" programs and hold celebrations of Jewish holidays, which "Project Kesher" activists help promote JNF ideas not only in Jewish communities and organizations, but in other community structures and families.

                  On behalf of the JNF Council Chairman Vladimir Shternfeld, Raphael Fainberg wished the participants of the project well, spoke words of counsel, and noted the achievements of "Kesher" activists in promoting JNF ideas. The leader of the "Project Kesher" department "Jewish education and development of Jewish communities" Irina Sklyankina was given a certificate that confirmed that a tree had been planted in Israel in her name, as thanks for her work. Continuing a good tradition, the participants of the seminar collected funds to plant four trees.