EAJC General Council Chairman Talks About Jewish Community Life in Ukraine
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                  EAJC General Council Chairman Talks About Jewish Community Life in Ukraine

                  Photo from Wikipedia

                  EAJC General Council Chairman Talks About Jewish Community Life in Ukraine


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman Josef Zissels gave an interview to Eleonora Groissman, editor-in chief of the newspaper "Jewish Kiev." Josef Zissels stated that the meeting with the President of Israel Shimon Peres is important to the Ukrainian Jewish Diaspora to the extent that the preservation of the Jewish community of Ukraine, its continued life and successful activity, is important to the President of Israel.
                  Thus, if Israel reconceives the fact of the existence of Jewish communities in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, and if the President becomes the voice of this new attitude, then he will, naturally, be very important to us. Right now he is important because he is the president of the country which is our historic homeland.
                  "The Jewish community of Ukraine will continue to be one of the largest in Europe, because here the Jewishness is in the blood, the earth, the grave, the buildings, in many aspects surrounding us," noted Josef Zissels. "That's why I think the Jewish Diaspora will be an important factor in Ukrainian life."