EAJC Statement on Riga Cemetery Desecration
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement on Riga Cemetery Desecration

                  EAJC Statement on Riga Cemetery Desecration


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is indignated by the news of the desecration of dozens of graves at the New Jewish Cemetery of Riga.
                  Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on Jewish tombstones are not only a cynical mockery of historic memory, not only a threat to the Jewish community – they consitute a direct impudent challenge to the authorities of the Republic of Latvia.
                  We are absolutely certain that the crime was commited by people of the political and moral fringe. We empathize deeply with the family of those whose graves were desecrated, and hope that tbe guilty party will be found and punished according to the law in the shortest possible time.

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  EAJC President

                  Michael Chlenov
                  EAJC Secretary General

                  Josef Zisels
                  EAJC General Council Chairman