EAJC Annual Reception
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Annual Reception

                  EAJC Annual Reception


                  On the 9th of November, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) held its traditional annual reception in one of Moscow's finest halls – the Saphis Celebration House. This time the celebration was timed to the Chanukah holiday, and was held together with the Moscow Jewish Religious Community (MJRC).
                  The horrible fires in the north of Israel made an impact on the celebration.The evening's programme began with a showing of a short film on the visit of EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich to the devastated regions of Israel.
                  The EAJC leader then called for a minute of silence in honor of the victims of the fire. Afterwards, Alexander Mashkevich noted in his introductory speech that he was amazed by how the Israelis mobilized themselves to fight fire in mere hours. "I was amazed by these people who gave their lives and health, who worked 15-20 hours a day to stop the fire," the EAJC President said. He expressed special thanks to the government of Russia, which aided Israel, and to the EMERCOM specialists, who seflessly fought fires.
                  Solidarity with Israel was a theme repeatedly brought up during the reception. The EAJC Executive Vice President Yuri Raskin spoke about the Congress-initiated international Internet initiative "Support Israel! Give your opinion to the world!" Hundreds of comments in support of Israel, as well as dozens of unique photos showing solidarity with Israel were gathered on a special website and on social networking sites. The most interesting comments and best photos were made into an album, which Yuri Raskin presented to the ambassadorof the State of Israel in Russia Dorit Golender.
                  The Ambassdor of Israel thanked the EAJC for constant support of the Jewish state, and read a telegram of thanks sent by Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu.
                  As past of the campaign against the delegitimization of the Jewish state, the EAJC has invited 500 Europarliament delegates to visit Israel. As Alexander Mashkevich said, the invitation is extended so that they could see for themselves "how Israel reality is different from propagandist cliches used by those who have many times tried to place Israel outside the law." Before this visit, the Europarliament deputies were guests of honor at the Moscow EAJC reception. "I have come to say that we support you," said the delegation leader, Europarliament deputy Antonia Parvanova, in he speech.
                  EAJC Secretary, Professor Michael Chlenov, also noted the growing number of attempts to delegitimze Israel in 2010, and spoke on the EAJC initiative to convene a representative conference in 2011 to create a strategy for opposing such attempts.
                  However, the topic of solidarity with Israel, while important, did not take up the entire reception. Congratulating the guests on Chanukah, Alexander Mashkevich noted that the light of God shall continue to shine over those who believe tha good will triumph over evil. When talking about Congress work, the President noted that despite the previous year being "difficult as usual," the task of the Congress remains – "to do everything possible so that the life of people becomes sweet and happy."
                  The traditional lighting of the candles became a bright show with the aid of the famous magician Raphal Tsitalashvili. The lighting of each candle on behalf of leading patrons and EAJC and MJRC activists became a masterful fire trick.
                  The "Datish" "Gene Fund" Ensemble had a joke poetic yearly report on EAJC and MJRC activity, sung to popular tunes, and written by Boris Lvovich and Sergey Kramarenko. The "Gene Fund" includes the famous entertainers Boris Himichev, Alexander Pashutin, Mihail Borisov, Alexander Goloborodko, and Alexander Pavlov.
                  The yearly reception naturally included gift-giving and awards. The MJRC Chairman Yakov Soskin presented Alexander Mashkevich with a certificate for a star named after him, and the President of the Charity Fund of Aid to the Mountaint Jews "STMEGY" German Zaharyev and the MJRC Vice President Alexander Zarankin received memorial signs with the Moscow Choral Synagogue on them.
                  The "What? When? Where?" game experts Alexander Druz and Alexei Patashev, together with the Vice President of the International Association of "What? When? Where" Clubs and expert Elena Orlovich presented certificates of gratitude for EAJC aid in conducting the "What? When? Where" World Championship in Eilat to Alexander Mashkevich, Alla Mashkevich (who represented the EAJC President at the championship), and to Yuri Raskin. Alexander Mashkevich was also presented with the synbol of the game – a bronze owl.
                  The highest EAJC community award, the "For Merits" medal was presented by Alexander Mashkevich to one of the leaders of the "GMR. Planet of Good" fund, EAJC Vice President Merab Elsahvili. The participants of the reception were shows a short film on the multifaceted charity activities of the fund. Another businessman honored by the EAJC award was the famous enterpreneur, leader of several Jewish structures Vladimir Shternfeld.
                  EAJC medals were also awarded to the leader of the Men'c Choir of the Moscow Choral Synagogue Leonid Bar and lead singer Michael Kraitman and Vladimir Segelman in connection with their 20th anniversary.
                  The brightest moments of the evening were the performances of two legendary singers: Joseph Kobzon, who sung the famous "Hevenu Shalom Aleichem" song together with the EAJC President, and Vadim Mulerman, who presented his most famous songs.
                  For his contribution to Jewish culture, Vadim Mulerman, who first sang Jewish songs from the popular stage in the Soviet union in the 1970's, received the "For Merits Medal."
                  The concert program included the "Meideleh" Ensemble. The evening was prepared by the newly organized Jewish Festive Agency (art director – EAJC Director's Council member Vladimir Fisherman), and hosted by the National Artist of Russia Semen Strugachev.
                  The Moscow EAJC reception gathered leaders of Jewish communities and orgazniations from different countries, important businessmen, community activists, and public figures. Ex-President of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, actor Alexei Petrenko, producers Joseph Raihelgauz and Alexander Levenbuk, TV anchormen Boris Notkin and Alexei Pushkov, and many other famous people.