EAJC Herald Published in Moscow
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Herald Published in Moscow

                  EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich

                  EAJC Herald Published in Moscow


                  The 10th issue of the "Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Herald" for October – November 2010 (heshvan – kislev 5770), prepared by the office of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov, has been published in Moscow.

                  The issue opens with a Pesach salutation by EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich. The President said, "When this holiday first appeared, enemies of the Jews wanted to destroy our people, deprive us of independence and tradition. An uprisingflared against the haters of Israel, which ended with the freeing of Israel and the 8-day miracle of the Chanukah candles. Let the upcoming holiday remind us all of the importance of the battle with anti-Semitism and attempts to delegitimize the Jewish state. The EAJC does everything possible so that the spectre of Judophobia disperse as soon as possible in the light of the peaceful fires of international, interethnic, and interfaith dialogue, which leads humanity into an era of stable peace and concord."

                  The topic of this Herald Issue is the Ukraine. There is a detailed account of the visit of the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres. Also, the issue holds a big interview of the EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels.