EAJC Comment on Arrest of Suspects in Bishkek Synagogue Terroristic Attack
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                  EAJC Comment on Arrest of Suspects in Bishkek Synagogue Terroristic Attack

                  Explosive from the September terrorist attack (photo by Stan TV)

                  EAJC Comment on Arrest of Suspects in Bishkek Synagogue Terroristic Attack


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is attentively watching the investigation of the terroristic act that took place on September 9, 2010, in the Bishkek synagogue, the only synagogue in Kyrhyzstan. The perpetrators threw a bomb into the synagogue courtyard, where the holiday feast tables had already been brought out, and when the community had been preparing for the second day of Rosh-ha-Shana (the Jewish religious New Year). It is only thanks to a lucky coincidence that there were no casualties.

                  According to the information published by the leaders of the State Committee for National Security of the Kyrgyzstan Republic, this act of terorism is being incriminated to the members of an extremist group that was arrested in the final days of 2010 on the grounds of being suspects in a number of other crimes, including murder of poluce officers and terroristic acts in November – December 2010. According to the information provided by the police, the arrestees are a part of an international Islamist group, members of which are also active in Kazakhstan and Russia. It is notable that all of those murdered were adherents of Islam, and that the explosion in the synagogue courtyard was during a day sacred not only to Jews, but also to Muslims (it was the last day of the holy month of Ramadan, the beginning of Id al-Fitr, the holiday of the conclusion of the fast, known among the Turkic language-speaking as Uraza Bayram).

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is satisfied by the apprehenshion of those who are suspected ot this sacrelige towards the synagogue. Unfortunately, the criminals were not arrested immediately after the synagogue explosion, in September. Had they been arrested then, innocent lives would have been saved from bandits who deceitfully hide behind Islamist slogans.

                  EAJC is hoping for an impartial and comprehensive investigation of the terroristic act towards the synagogue and other crimes, and would like to turn the attention of the law to the anti-Semitic element in the extremists' ideology. It is unfortunately necessary to note that the leadership of the republic had denied the anti-Semitic character of the Rosh-ha-Shana crime. This position was presented in the official letter to the Jewish community of Kyrgzstan, sent by the head of the Kyrgyzstan Presidential Administration Emilbek Kaptagayev.

                  We continue to insist that the leaders of Kyrgyzstan give a serious political evaluation to these crimes, and took all necessary measures to provide the safety of objects from the Jewish infrastructure of the counry.

                  EAJC is certain that the extremists will not be able to force a wedge between the Jewish and the Muslim communities in Kyrgyzstan or elsewhere. We profess that terror does not have and cannot have neither any justifications nor any political perspectives. A dignified and safe future for everyone is possible only through interfaith cooperation and a tolerant mutual understanding. There is no alternative to respectful dialogue.