EAJC Delegation Partitipates in Herzliya Conference Opening
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                  EAJC Delegation Partitipates in Herzliya Conference Opening

                  EAJC Delegation Partitipates in Herzliya Conference Opening


                  On the 6th of February, a representative deleation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) participated in the opening ceremony of the 11th Annual Hezliya Conference dedicated to Israel's national security.

                  The Herzliya forum is the most representative platform for an informal discussion of strategic questions pertaining to the present and future of the Jewish state, percieved as a kind of "Jewish Davos." These conferences, as a rule, include the leaders of the Jewish state and the Jewish Diaspora, leading world experts, acting politicians and community activists.

                  This year, the EAJC was one of the main sponsors of the forum. The delegation for the forum, headed by EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich, included Vice Presidents Alexander Bronstein, Emmanuil Greenshpun, Merab Elashvili, Gabriel Mirilashvili, Michael Mirilashvili, Yuri Raskin, Mark Shabad, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, and General Council Chairman Josef Zisels.

                  President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres was guest of honor at the opening ceremony. He gave a speech in which he, having touched upon the development of the peact process, stated that the idea of two states for two peoples is absolutely acceptable for contemporary Israeli society; however, a way to manifest this idea in a consentient and mutually acceptable way has not yet been found.

                  The first work day of the forum included a working meeting of the EAJC President with the Israeli Minister of Information and Diaspora Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, to discuss matters pertaining to the informational support of Israel in Diaspora countries in conditions of an unrelenting campaign to delegitimize the Jewish state.