Boris Komsky Obituary
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                  Boris Komsky Obituary

                  Boris Komsky Obituary


                  Veteran of the Jewish movement in Ukraine, editor of the Shofar newsletter, one of the organizators of the Lviv-based Sholom Aleichem Society of Jewish Culture, WWII veteran, retired colonel Boris Komsky has passed away in his 88th year.

                  Boris Komsky was born in Makarovka, Ukraine, went to school in Kyiv. From there he was drafted into the Red Army and sent to the Orlov Infantry School, which was then in Shymkent.

                  He participated in battles on the First, Second, and Third Belarus front, was in the Battle of Kursk, and in East Prussia, where he was wounded. He was decorated with the Medal of Valour and the Order of the Red Star. He celebrated Victory Day in Germany.

                  For many years, Boris Komsky was a member of the administration of the Lviv Society of Jewish Culture, the "War Veterans" division, the Bnei Brit Leopolis, a member of the Journalist's Union and the Jewish Journalist's Union.

                  Boris Grigoriyevich was a courageous and decent man, truly respected by colleagues and friends.

                  We grieve deeply, and will preserve his memory.