Happy Purim!
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Happy Purim!

                  Happy Purim!


                  Dear Friends!

                  On behalf of the leadership and workers of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), I would like to cordially wish you all a happy Purim! This day we celebrate the salvation of our people from a seemingly inevitable death and its triumph over a ruthless foe!

                  The history of Purim reminds us over the course of many hundreds of years that the Almighty does not just gift us with miracles, but awaits for us to make certain efforts – spiritual, physical, and intellectual – so that this miracle may take place.

                  Did Mordecai feel safe in going against the almighty Aman? Yet he outright refused to bow to the favorite. Did Esther know how Achashverhosh would behave after her confession that she was a Jew? Yet she found the strength to confess and speak out for her people. Did the Jews know how their feud with Aman's co-conspirators would end? Yet they stood up for their lives and honors. And thus, through the will and grace of the Almighty, through the faith and actions of people, a miracle happened.

                  So let us be happy and make merry during Purim! And let us remember: through our faith and our actions a road for miracles is opened.

                  Long live the people of Israel! Am Israel Chai!
                  Happy Purim! Hag Purim Sameach!

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President