EAJC Delegation Participates in Washington ILR Meeting
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                  EAJC Delegation Participates in Washington ILR Meeting

                  EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich and Vice President Merab Elashvili (left)

                  EAJC Delegation Participates in Washington ILR Meeting


                  A representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, headed by the EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich and Vice President Merab Elashvili is participating in the International Leadership Reunion (ILR) forum in Washington. ILR regularly brings together leading Jewish philanthropists from all over the world under the auspices of Keren Hayesod. - United Israel Appeal. Alexander Mashkevich heads the CIS sector of Keren Hayesod.

                  This year the forum was hosted in Washington. More than one hundred major philanthropists, supporting various programs in Israel and for Israel, as well as leaders of major Jewish organizations and representatives of Israeli official and public structures gathered in the U.S. capital. Special mention needs to be made for the participation of Sheldon Adelson, who is considered to be the richest Jew in the world and the third richest USA citizen. The charity fund he established in 2007 is planning to spend up to 200 million dollars for Israel and the Jews.

                  Congratulatory speeches were made at the opening ceremony  by the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren and the Head of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Natan Sharansky. In their speeches, they stressed the importance of mutual support for Israel and the Diaspora.

                  The EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich said in an interview: "I want to thank the organizers of the ILR for choosing the U.S. capital for our meeting. USA is an advanced country in many different spheres, but especially in charity. In this matter the United States can and should be an example. There is no country where the level of civic and humanitarian responsibility is so high. Millions of people around the world know and appreciate this. This is a known fact in many countries, including Israel, for the security, development, and prosperity of which we readily combine our efforts and opportunities."