Jewish Communities Thank Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for Matzot Aid
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                  Jewish Communities Thank Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for Matzot Aid

                  Jewish Communities Thank Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for Matzot Aid


                  Letters of thanks continute to arrive at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), after the EAJC had provided the destitute members of many Jewish communities with matzot for Pesach.

                  Thus, a letter sent by the leader of the Kazakhstan Association of Jewish National Organizations Alexander Baron to the EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich, EAHC Secretary General Michael Chlenov, and EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels reads:

                  "Please accept our deepest gratitude for your generous gift – the purchase and delivery of matzot – from the entire Jewish community of Kazakhstan. Thanks to your attention, every Jew of our community has received matzot for Pesach, and thanks to you this holiday has been celebrated with adherence to every rule of the Jewish tradiion. Right now our community centers are holding Pesach seders for different people – children, the elderly, families from the "Children of Risk" program, and young people. It is very important for all of them to keep and restore Jewish values. And, thanks to you, the Pesach holiday took place in Kazakhstan in full compliance with the Torah and the laws given by the Almighty. You are doing extremely important work, and abide by one of the most important commandments of the Torah. We give you great thanks for your aid and cooperation."

                  This year, as well as in earlier years, the EAJC ordered, bought, and distributed over 48 tons of matzot before Pesach. Matzot had been delivered to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.