EAJC Secretary General: “I have given most of my life to the Jewish movement.”
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General: “I have given most of my life to the Jewish movement.”

                  Professor Michael Chlenov

                  EAJC Secretary General: “I have given most of my life to the Jewish movement.”


                  As part of the "Adult People" cycle of video discussions, the Polit.ru web portal has interviewed ethnologist and public figure, professor, Maimonides State Classic Jewish Academy Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Deputy Director of the Center for Jewish Studies at the Lomonsov MSU Institute of Asian and African Studies, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General Michael Chlenov. The interview was taken by Lyubov Borusyak.

                  The first part of the interview was dedicated to the independent Jewish movement in the last dozens of years of the USSR's existence. The EAJC Secretary General said, “I gave most of my life t the Jewish movement, and continue to actively work in this direction. I am very hurt that very few people know about this movement.”