Euroasian Jewish News
Yakov Tzukerman
EAJC Congratulates "Ami" Newspaper on 500th Issue
29.08.2011 To celebrate the 500th issue of the St. Petersburg Jewish newspaper: “Ami. My People,” the EAJC PR Department has sent the “Ami” editor-in-chief a letter of salutations. The letter reads as follows: “On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the anniversary 500th issue of your newspaper.
At the roots of the organized independent Jewish movement, Jewish publications were not mere sources of information – they were organizators, propagators, teachers, and true places for an honest and keen exchange of opinions. Your newspaper was one of the first of their laudable number. The 500 issues of “Ami” are the bricks that you and your colleagues have placed in the foundation of the Jewish community of Russia.
We wish “Ami” new issues and new anniversaries, and its irreplaceable editor-in-chief – health and strength for publishing the newspaper again and again, for preserving its unique Jewishness.”