EAJC Statement in Connection with Upcoming UN Vote on the Unilateral Proclamation of the Palestinian State
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                  EAJC Statement in Connection with Upcoming UN Vote on the Unilateral Proclamation of the Palestinian State

                  EAJC Statement in Connection with Upcoming UN Vote on the Unilateral Proclamation of the Palestinian State


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which represents the interests of hundreds of thousands of Jews of 25 countries on 3 continents expresses its deep concern in connection with the upcoming UN session on the unilateral proclamation of a Palestinian state.

                  The EAJC is seriously concerned that this irresponsible step from the Palestinian leadership might lead to a new aggravation of the Near East situation. Of even more concern is the possible flare-up of violence in the region. If the situation goes down this path, the responsibility will not only be on the Palestinian site with its obviously provocative move, but on all those who will have supported this move.

                  The EAJC is certain that a stable and just peace in the Near East can be created an will be created, but it is possible only after coming to a mutually acceptable treaty, which considers the interests of both sides. An unilateral proclamation will destroy the legal basis of the negotiations – UN resolutions 242, 338, and 1850, as well as the Oslo Accords, which have all been accepted by both negotiating city and the entire global community.

                  Unilateral actions, which are unambiguously excluded by these legal documents, will make the entire preceding peace process meaningless, moving it backward to far beyond its starting point.

                  Without doubting the right of the Palestinian people to their own state, the EAJC has reasons to believe that a unilateral proclamation of the Palestinian State can create an increase in the attempts to dispute the right of existence of the State of Israel.

                  The EAJC calls for the authorities of these countries, whose Jewish communities and organizations it unites, to take all possible measures to stop the situation developing by this threatening scenario, to stop the destabilization in the region.