EAJC Secretary General Meets With Deputy Minister of RF MFA
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Meets With Deputy Minister of RF MFA

                  EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov (left) and Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Michael Bogdanov

                  EAJC Secretary General Meets With Deputy Minister of RF MFA


                  As part of the systematic efforts of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress to explain the position of the Jewish community on the unilateral proclamation and recognition of the Palestinian State, EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov has met with Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Michael Bogdanov.

                  At the meeting, the EAJC Secretary General gave to the Deputy Minister the EAJC statement on the upcoming UN vote, and clearly enunciated the position of the Jewish community of the Euro-Asian region on the situation at hand. Michael Chlenov displayed extreme concern with the negative consequences of the possible unilateral proclamation of Palestinian statehood for the peace process and stability in the Near East.

                  In turn, Michael Bogdanov explained the position of the Russian side to the situation at hand. According to him, Russia's position remains unchanged – as the legal successor to the Soviet Union, it must confirm the independence of the Palestinian state. At the same time, the diplomat said that Russia will be ready to support any UN decision made by correct procedure.
                  Bogdanov stressed that the Russian Federation remains a member of the Near East quartet, and as a member of this quarter will direct all possible efforts to continue the peace process, which has currently, according to the diplomat, “ground to a halt.” he also said that the representatives of the quartet are holding a meeting before the UN vote to discuss the situation.

                  Michael Chlenov expressed his regret at the position of Russia in this question, and stressed that the Jewish community “yet has hope for veto rights, which may be used to remove this question from the agenda.” Michael Bogdanov replied that the United States will most certainly use this right.